free shipping and samples on u.s. orders over $50
free shipping and samples on u.s. orders over $50
May 16, 2018 1 min read
To work at a women's magazine is to get a bunch of free stuff thrown at you. That includes vouchers for beauty treatments, even if your only interaction with the beauty department is during the end-of-season charity sale they hold in the conference room to get rid of leftover samples. But freebies often come with strings attached. As in, the giver expects you to write about the product or service. What's more, they are usually only good for a one-time use.
So where do fashion editors (and bloggers, stylists, or anyone that falls into the "influencer" category) go when they have to spend their own money? These five New York City beauty fixers are favorites. Many because they are reasonably affordable, but all because they are great.
February 02, 2021 1 min read